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=Her Personal Collection=
=Her Personal Collection=
Sometimes Sunk comes across items she cannot bear to part with. Be they gifts from employers, carry emotional significance, or items that carry fun stories, she proudly puts them on display in her home as a means of showing that you don't need powers to find items of worth.
==Roman Urn==
==Roman Urn==
This is probably the most boring of her collection, but it was the lowest valued piece from her first big haul. The job was pretty simple. Steal a luxury yacht from some St. Martial high roller that was using some fancy legal strategies to avoid paying his dues. The mission was pretty straight forward, but given the payout and the risks involved, she still hangs onto one of the items found on the ship that her employers offered to let her keep. Unlike the rest of her collection, there is no amazing story to put to it. Simply a memory of simpler times.
This is probably the most boring of her collection, but it was the lowest valued piece from her first big haul. The job was pretty simple. Steal a luxury yacht from some St. Martial high roller that was using some fancy legal strategies to avoid paying his dues. The mission was pretty straight forward, but given the payout and the risks involved, she still hangs onto one of the items found on the ship that her employers offered to let her keep. Unlike the rest of her collection, there is no amazing story to put to it. Simply a memory of simpler times.
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She has no interest in learning what was making that sound...or if it wants its button back.
She has no interest in learning what was making that sound...or if it wants its button back.
==A Petty Hat-like Acquisition==
==A Petty Hat-like Acquisition==
If there is one thing that frustrates Sunk to no end, it's people who insist that people like her are inferior to metahumans or magic users. That's why when a particular witch put out a public challenge that mundane humans were incapable of infiltrating her home and stealing something, Sunk took it personally. It took over a month of planning and preparation, but Sunk did manage to break into the witch's sanctum. Once inside, however, Sunk realized that everything of value was hexed so thoroughly that she couldn't possibly get away with it without suffering a high cost.
However, Sunk can be petty and decided that what mattered wasn't that what she took had value, but showing that she was capable of doing it. So instead of taking something the witch expected, she instead took something simple: one of the witch's hats. While it was of exceptional quality and had a few built in enchantments, it was relatively worthless in comparison to the rest of the magic user's collection. But the point was made and, impressed with the accomplishment, the witch told Sunk that she was welcome to keep the hat without fears of appraisal...just so long as she shared how she broke in.
Given that pissing off a powerful witch wasn't high on Sunk's list of fun activities, she agreed. The hat now sits on display as a reminder to herself that, with enough planning, anything is possible.
==Eatass Coin Made Manifest==
==Eatass Coin Made Manifest==
It was supposed to be an easy job. She had a contact that wanted a more secure means of holding onto crypto currency. But this contact was also completely bonkers, so their best idea was to create a device that would take crypto and physically manifest it into the physical world. All Sunk had to do was go to a specific location in Cap au Diable and use a remote translation device (whatever that means) to steal from the wallet of someone within the university.
However, there was a minor problem. There was another valid target within range of the device who was technically closer. So that's who it stole from. Instead of Bitcoin or Etherium, Sunk instead ended up with a bag stuffed full of coins that had a poop emoji on one side and a butt on the other. After a bit of searching, she discovered that she had accidentally pulled from the wallet of Cryptocurrent who was chilling out on a donut innertube in the ocean nearby. His creation, Eatass Coin, was what was sitting in her bag and was worse than worthless. Given the price of Eatass Coin, she would likely have to <i>pay</i> someone to take this off her hands.
While the two are now friendly with one another, she never did get paid for that job. All she has to remember it for is a bag full of worthless manifested cryptocurrency.
==A Nemesis Horse Escape Vehicle==
In Sunk's mind, having to fire her rifle at someone else even once during a job means that she failed somehow. If she ends up having to shoot at many people, something has gone horribly, horribly wrong.
Such was the case of her attempt to rob a collector based out of Mercy City. Her hope was to get her hands on some rare cybernetic components from discontinued models to sell on the black market. However, her contact turned out to be a rat and Sunk was, in fact, being used as a means of testing the building's security system. When she began to bag the cybernetics, all hell broke loose. Robotic sentries began to pour out of hidden compartments, turning the area into a free fire zone.
While she managed to hold them off, she realized that she wouldn't last forever. She needed to get out and the front door was no longer an option. There was one solution, however. There was a Nemesis rocket horse nearby that, based on it having no means of preventing someone from just climbing on, was not believed to be operable by the owner. Sunk, on the other hand, knew that there was a good chance that the vehicle simply would only work if whoever was riding it was wearing the right Nemesis garb. After some clever maneuvering, Sunk found and put on a pair of gloves used by Nemesis troops and, in the middle of a lull in the assault, got onto the horse, turned it on, and broke free via the skylight.
After a quick visit to her contact (to show how appreciative she was), she returned home and hung her new acquisition in her home. It's not every day you find a functional Nemesis horse.
==A Baby Carriage Cannon==
==A Baby Carriage Cannon==
==Mementos of a Orabanga Sortie==
Normally, a mission to find a highly reclusive weapons manufacturer who specializes in shock and horror would be a hard task. Sunk had several possible locations with few leads, but when one of those locations was leveled in a massive, fiery explosion, she was very quick to get to the scene.
The nearly indestructible combat armor she was looking for was, of course, mostly scuffed in the crater left behind. What was more interesting to her was what was located not far from the center of where the explosion must have been. A child's carriage with what appeared to be a high tech rifle built into it. Why a baby's carriage? Why was it turned into a weapon? Was it actually the cause of the explosion? Sunk had none of the answers to this, but curiosity got the best of her and she took it home with her. While she was sure to take out some key components to ensure it cannot be fired, she still isn't certain if it was the cause of the explosion.
One hell of a conversation starter, though!
==Mementos of a Oranbega Sortie==
It was supposed to be an easy job. Steal a teleportation device from a mage and take it to the client. What they didn't tell Sunk was that the mage was inexperienced and they believed that the mage had modified the device. Getting it was easy, but what came next became a nightmare. Now tuned to bring the user to the heart of Oranbega, the modified device was practically on a hair trigger and quickly shunted the thief to the middle of hostile territory. Over the following 48 hours, Sunk sneaked, fought, and struggled through the city's native population to find freedom. After pushing her way through the maze, she finally managed to find an exit point to the surface and freedom.
Unsurprisingly, the client was unwilling to pay additional money for the trouble that their withholding of information gave Sunk. She walked away a little wiser with a few of the weapons she utilized to protect herself after she ran out of beam rifle charges. Suffice to say, she never worked with that client again.
==A Creepy Statue==
==A Creepy Statue==
It isn't often you are asked to steal a statue from a building sight unseen.
==The Corpse Maker (AKA a Rikti Blade)==
==The Corpse Maker (AKA a Rikti Blade)==
==Doomsday? This is where I keep my stuff!!==
==Doomsday? This is where I keep my stuff!!==
==The Ultimate Rifle (with a catch)==
==The Ultimate Rifle (with a catch)==


Revision as of 23:14, 3 April 2022

"You buying something or what?"
Sunk Cost
Player: @McSpazz
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Sentinel
Security Level: 30
Personal Data
Real Name: Iliana Rentz
Known Aliases: Sunk Cost, Sunk
Species: Human
Age: 26
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Etoli Citizen
Occupation: Unconventional Acquisitions Expert (Thief), Fence
Place of Birth: Port Oakes, Etoli
Base of Operations: St. Martial, Etoli
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Cyrus Rentz (Father), Eve Rentz (Mother, missing)
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Thievery, stealth, research, tracking, marksmanship, combat maneuvers
A beam rifle she named "Universal Key", grappling hook
Known to be snarky.

"I swear to god, if I hear one more person suggest blowing up a bank to get to its vault, I am going to explode."


Her Personal Collection

Sometimes Sunk comes across items she cannot bear to part with. Be they gifts from employers, carry emotional significance, or items that carry fun stories, she proudly puts them on display in her home as a means of showing that you don't need powers to find items of worth.

Roman Urn

This is probably the most boring of her collection, but it was the lowest valued piece from her first big haul. The job was pretty simple. Steal a luxury yacht from some St. Martial high roller that was using some fancy legal strategies to avoid paying his dues. The mission was pretty straight forward, but given the payout and the risks involved, she still hangs onto one of the items found on the ship that her employers offered to let her keep. Unlike the rest of her collection, there is no amazing story to put to it. Simply a memory of simpler times.

Funny Money

Found during one of Sunk's rare bank heists, this was actually taken before the bank was ever hit. This ATM was laying in a nearby dumpster and was was covered in dents and marks as if someone(s) had assaulted it with hammers and other blunt instruments. Curious to see what was wrong with it, she brought it home and tested it out. Much to her surprise, it seemed to be entirely functional. She had no issues depositing money to her test account. However, when she tried to pull the money back out, she didn't get real money. It wasn't even actual counterfeit money. Instead, it was a random assortment of Monopoly money from different versions of the game. To further her confusion, when she opened the machine up, she found that it had a few legitimate bills in it, but no monopoly money nor a means of printing it. Deciding that this was one of the most hilarious finds of her life, she kept it and put it on display in her house. She will occasionally use it on new visitors as a prank.

She just makes sure they don't withdraw that much.

Sleep Paralysis Button

Unlike most of her display items, this wasn't part of a job. Instead, this was something she was hunting for personally. Rumors were spreading of a strange mystical button that would do something miraculous. The stories were all varied, but she decided there were too many common threads for this button to not exist in some form. Thus, she entered the fray and joined numerous other treasure hunters and thieves to locate the button first.

While it was close, she managed to snag the oddity just before several others arrived and began to fight amongst themselves for the contents of the chest she had already plundered (and left a "too slow <3" note). While it certainly looked impressive, every appraiser be they mundane or arcane had little to say about it. It was simply a fancy button on a platform that seemingly had no purpose. After she could find no reason for the device to exist, she pressed the button out of frustration and, after nothing happened, went to bed.

That night, she had what she would best describe as a waking nightmare. She lay in her bed, eyes wide open but unable to move. The darkness was absolute and instead of the sounds she normally expected out of her home, there was absolute silence. That is until the deep echoing thrumming hit her ears. It sounded as though it belonged to a creature that dwarfed not only her but the city she resided in. If she wasn't already unable to move, she would have been stone still in a state of primal, absolute terror. She lay like that for the entire night, only being released from the horrifying vision in a blink after her alarm went off to indicate it was morning. The strange environment and thrumming halted with the call of her alarm and, as far as she is concerned, the button was the cause and is remaining under lock and key indefinitely.

She has no interest in learning what was making that sound...or if it wants its button back.

A Petty Hat-like Acquisition

If there is one thing that frustrates Sunk to no end, it's people who insist that people like her are inferior to metahumans or magic users. That's why when a particular witch put out a public challenge that mundane humans were incapable of infiltrating her home and stealing something, Sunk took it personally. It took over a month of planning and preparation, but Sunk did manage to break into the witch's sanctum. Once inside, however, Sunk realized that everything of value was hexed so thoroughly that she couldn't possibly get away with it without suffering a high cost.

However, Sunk can be petty and decided that what mattered wasn't that what she took had value, but showing that she was capable of doing it. So instead of taking something the witch expected, she instead took something simple: one of the witch's hats. While it was of exceptional quality and had a few built in enchantments, it was relatively worthless in comparison to the rest of the magic user's collection. But the point was made and, impressed with the accomplishment, the witch told Sunk that she was welcome to keep the hat without fears of appraisal...just so long as she shared how she broke in.

Given that pissing off a powerful witch wasn't high on Sunk's list of fun activities, she agreed. The hat now sits on display as a reminder to herself that, with enough planning, anything is possible.

Eatass Coin Made Manifest

It was supposed to be an easy job. She had a contact that wanted a more secure means of holding onto crypto currency. But this contact was also completely bonkers, so their best idea was to create a device that would take crypto and physically manifest it into the physical world. All Sunk had to do was go to a specific location in Cap au Diable and use a remote translation device (whatever that means) to steal from the wallet of someone within the university.

However, there was a minor problem. There was another valid target within range of the device who was technically closer. So that's who it stole from. Instead of Bitcoin or Etherium, Sunk instead ended up with a bag stuffed full of coins that had a poop emoji on one side and a butt on the other. After a bit of searching, she discovered that she had accidentally pulled from the wallet of Cryptocurrent who was chilling out on a donut innertube in the ocean nearby. His creation, Eatass Coin, was what was sitting in her bag and was worse than worthless. Given the price of Eatass Coin, she would likely have to pay someone to take this off her hands.

While the two are now friendly with one another, she never did get paid for that job. All she has to remember it for is a bag full of worthless manifested cryptocurrency.

A Nemesis Horse Escape Vehicle

In Sunk's mind, having to fire her rifle at someone else even once during a job means that she failed somehow. If she ends up having to shoot at many people, something has gone horribly, horribly wrong.

Such was the case of her attempt to rob a collector based out of Mercy City. Her hope was to get her hands on some rare cybernetic components from discontinued models to sell on the black market. However, her contact turned out to be a rat and Sunk was, in fact, being used as a means of testing the building's security system. When she began to bag the cybernetics, all hell broke loose. Robotic sentries began to pour out of hidden compartments, turning the area into a free fire zone.

While she managed to hold them off, she realized that she wouldn't last forever. She needed to get out and the front door was no longer an option. There was one solution, however. There was a Nemesis rocket horse nearby that, based on it having no means of preventing someone from just climbing on, was not believed to be operable by the owner. Sunk, on the other hand, knew that there was a good chance that the vehicle simply would only work if whoever was riding it was wearing the right Nemesis garb. After some clever maneuvering, Sunk found and put on a pair of gloves used by Nemesis troops and, in the middle of a lull in the assault, got onto the horse, turned it on, and broke free via the skylight.

After a quick visit to her contact (to show how appreciative she was), she returned home and hung her new acquisition in her home. It's not every day you find a functional Nemesis horse.

A Baby Carriage Cannon

Normally, a mission to find a highly reclusive weapons manufacturer who specializes in shock and horror would be a hard task. Sunk had several possible locations with few leads, but when one of those locations was leveled in a massive, fiery explosion, she was very quick to get to the scene.

The nearly indestructible combat armor she was looking for was, of course, mostly scuffed in the crater left behind. What was more interesting to her was what was located not far from the center of where the explosion must have been. A child's carriage with what appeared to be a high tech rifle built into it. Why a baby's carriage? Why was it turned into a weapon? Was it actually the cause of the explosion? Sunk had none of the answers to this, but curiosity got the best of her and she took it home with her. While she was sure to take out some key components to ensure it cannot be fired, she still isn't certain if it was the cause of the explosion.

One hell of a conversation starter, though!

Mementos of a Oranbega Sortie

It was supposed to be an easy job. Steal a teleportation device from a mage and take it to the client. What they didn't tell Sunk was that the mage was inexperienced and they believed that the mage had modified the device. Getting it was easy, but what came next became a nightmare. Now tuned to bring the user to the heart of Oranbega, the modified device was practically on a hair trigger and quickly shunted the thief to the middle of hostile territory. Over the following 48 hours, Sunk sneaked, fought, and struggled through the city's native population to find freedom. After pushing her way through the maze, she finally managed to find an exit point to the surface and freedom.

Unsurprisingly, the client was unwilling to pay additional money for the trouble that their withholding of information gave Sunk. She walked away a little wiser with a few of the weapons she utilized to protect herself after she ran out of beam rifle charges. Suffice to say, she never worked with that client again.

A Creepy Statue

It isn't often you are asked to steal a statue from a building sight unseen.

The Corpse Maker (AKA a Rikti Blade)

Doomsday? This is where I keep my stuff!!

The Ultimate Rifle (with a catch)



Early Childhood (1996-2002)

"We had it really good, you know. I don't know where I would be if things hadn't gone belly up. Maybe I'd be managing dad's business. That would have been nice..."

Sunk (2002-2012)

"That...that bitch Ms. Liberty took everything from us on that day. She took my dad's business. She took my mom's confidence. She took my dad's pride. She took my god damn future as I watched on! Nothing was the same after that. I almost wish she threw Thermonuke at the docks and just killed us all. Let's see her spin that into a PR victory..."

The Cost (2012-2020)

"What else was I supposed to do? Throw myself into the arms of the Family? Hell no. I wasn't about to turn myself into one of their flunkies. I had to find my own way through the world. Without my dad. He made it pretty clear I couldn't rely on him anymore."

Sunk Cost (2020-Present)

"Sure, I might not have been rolling in money...but I finally had shit figured out. I had a proper business and "