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| name = Hellfire Riot
| player = @Jayfast / @Jayfast2
| image =
| caption =
| origin = Magic
| archetype = Warshade / Peacebringer
| level = 50
| realname = Drake Walker & Pyrophobia
| alias =
Drake & Pyre
*Pyre: Pyro, Love (by Drake)
| age = 32
| gender = Demi-male
| species =
Drake: Possessed Human
*Pyre: Demon of Pyrophobia
| ethnicity = Native American / Scotch-Irish
| birthdate = 11/20
| birthplace = Minnesota
| relatives = Estranged from Biological family
| height = 6'5"
| weight = 257 lbs
| eyes = Brown / Green
| hair = Brown / Grey
| complexion = Tan
| build = Working out while loving pizza
| features =
Pierced ears
*Small scar on his right eyebrow
*Beauty mark under his left eye.
| alignment = 8
| reputation = 3
| identity = Known
| years_active = 5 (with a break)
| operations = Kings Row
| citizenship = United States
| education =
Art School Dropout
*Associates of Art in Criminal Justice
| occupation =
Part Time Private Investigator
*Part-time sales associate at The Wizard's Well
| marital = Single
| powers = Sorcery / Hellfire Manipulation
| paraphernalia = See "Equipment"
| strength = 3
| endurance = 6
| agility = 4
| speed = 3
| fighting = 5
| projectiles = 9
| durability = 3
| resistance = 6
| intelligence = 6
| psyche = 4
| intuition = 9
| charisma = 2

== Profile ==
<blockquote>"''Sometimes all you can do is hold out a hand. That's okay though. Sometimes, kindness is enough.''"<br>
:::-Drake's Motto</blockquote>
=== Background ===
Possessed and in a symbiotic relationship with the demon of Pyrophobia he's affectionately nicknamed Pyre, Drake is a private investigator who recently moved back to Paragon City after leaving for almost a decade due to a certain incident. Since his return, he's been rebuilding his connections to old friends and new, along with setting down his roots again both professionally and personally. Currently he resides in a top floor flat in King's Row with his two cats, and works as an independent private investigator. During his downtime when he's lacking cases, he works for his friend Kevin at the Wizard's Well as a part time sale associate. 
=== Personality ===
"Sometimes kindness is enough" has been the motto that Drake's spoken to himself to that kindled the flame of compassion he wields to protect others around himself. He often presents himself as a playful, outgoing man when in public to help ease the social awkwardness that he feels around others. His casual and non-judgemental attitude toward people makes him easier to approach, coupled with an investigator's curiosity helps him engage with people to learn about them and their past.
Drake is a highly tactile person. Once he's comfortable with someone, it isn't uncommon that he invades their personal bubble with affectionate touches, nudges, and hugs. He also begins to show a bit more of himself, often devolving into small rambles about his interests or trying to ensure that his point comes across correctly.
Underneath that, Drake holds a certain lack of self-esteem and anxiety that ties down his heart around others. Due to his autism, he can be a bit overly literal and inflexible at times-- which can lead to awkward miscommunications as certain turns of phrases and comparisons can go right over his head. He identifies himself as a "high masking individual", meaning he hides a majority of his sensory and social symptoms when in public until he becomes comfortable with someone. Much of his social skills he's had to develop through observation, mimicry, and study of psychology to bring him to where he is now. He has difficulties with using the right words, and often defaults to gestures, acts of service, or gifts to get his feelings across to others.
Due to this, he also misses flirtations or romantic suggestions toward him if they aren't blunt or straightforward.
Due to being melded with Pyre for so long, the two's personalities have melded a bit, giving Drake a boost of confidence while unfortunately making him more prone to harsh jokes and occasionally finding small enjoyment in taunting his opponents. For now, that flame of compassion has been keeping his personality from twisting too far toward the demon's natural tendencies.
Drake likes to indulge in his hobbies, specifically art and practicing his magic. It's not uncommon to see him spending time in Pocket D, where he practices his drawing on whoever seems to catch his attention. He has an interest in music, though lacks any talent in most instruments.
Drake speaks with a pseudo midwestern/Oklahoman accent due to his parents originally being from Oklahoma. He generally keeps it under wrap when he talks to someone, but his drawl comes out the more he interacts with someone.
Drake jokes that Pyre is often the straight-man of the two, as he tends to be the more serious and uptight one. Ten years ago, Pyre followed through on his demonic instincts to the letter. He indulged in cruelty, violence, and torture toward others, and event went so far as attempting to harm Drake's closest friends in order to try developing a crack that would let him take over the body.
Ever since him and Drake came to an understanding during their short disappearance, he's begun to settle down and become more curious about the world. Drake would still describe him as overly serious, but recognizes there's a certain spark of caring and compassion that Pyre's developed since they started to become closer. Even if this spark can be frustrating and burdensome to Drake at times, especially when it comes to the care of their body.
Pyre is less social than Drake, choosing to take a back seat and observe in conversations while Drake chatters. He also acts as a social translator for Drake, offering small explanations or corrections to him when he's missed a cue or phrase.
Although he's the more serious of the two, Drake's laid back personalty has definitely brushed off onto Pyre, who often plays on their tablet and lounges on his contracted host while Drake is in the middle of conversations.
=== Appearance ===
Drake stands at 6'5", with a comfortable balance of muscle and a slight gut from his weightlifting, job, and love of food. He's fairly hairy from top to bottom. Due to his native heritage, his hair is dark and straight, while his skin is tanned from days of outdoor work on investigations. He prefers to keep a slightly unkempt beard, citing that he hasn't seen himself clean shaven since high school. Originally he had two brown eyes, but since him and Pyre's relationship as host and demon has become closer, his right eye has turned green like Pyre's.
Drake is relatively informal with his outfits. Jeans, sneakers, a hoodie or overshirt are the most common choices in his wardrobe along with his favorite "Cthuwu" t-shirt.
On the job, Drake keeps his leather jacket on over a dark flak jacket. His hair becomes a mingle of grey and brown whenever he synchronizes with Pyre.
Pyre is a ram-like humanoid demon, with long twisting horns and two bright green eyes. He's covered from top to bottom in dark fur, and is permanently slightly see-through due to only being a spectral manifestation. His upper body manifests from Drake's back, while his lower body seems to be non-existent as it's constantly melded into his host.
When the two fully synchronize, they wear a mask of bone, and their hair is a stark silver or white. Red marks manifest over Drake's body as the pathways for magical energy dilate with the flux of energy the two produce together.
Drake smells vaguely of sulfur, gun oil, and herbs. On stressful days, he smells of cigarettes and weed.
*'''Jameson Pinsky''': Drake's mentor who scouted him out during his time travelling. Pinsky taught Drake all the basics of the trade, and encouraged his curiosity. Drake would almost go so far to consider Pinsky a father figure who helped both him and Pyre figure themselves out during their time with him.
*'''El Luzito/Hektor Flores''': One of the few heroes Drake really made an effort of getting to know outside of the suit. Drake accidentally uncovered Hektor's identity one day, but the two ended up becoming comfortable friends and workout buddies after a while, who encourage each other to test their limits.
*'''Kev and Mara''': Two of Drake's oldest friends in Paragon city. Mara and Kev were some of the closest people to Drake, which made them targets for The Phobias' schemes. Drake has a flirtatious relationship with Kev, and recently made the shift into being friends with benefits. Coincidentally, Kev is also the manager of The Wizard's Well, which makes him Drake's boss.
*'''David Walker''': Aside from the happy coincidence of having the same last name, David is another mage that Drake gets along with. The two share their inventions, ideas, and techniques with each other whenever they meet. It's thanks to David that Drake's made more progress in his alchemy and enchanting skills.
== History ==
Drake was born in Minnesota during the Fall of 1989, and was raised among his brothers and sisters by his conservative parents. Drake experienced a great deal of emotional and physical abuse during his time with his family, until he left for Paragon on an art scholarship when he was 18. Unfortunately, due to a combination of anxiety, self-esteem issues, and alcoholism, Drake dropped out of art school and began working full-time alongside his friend Kevin at The Wizard's Well.
One day, while making his way home, Drake took a shortcut through a back alley that ultimately ended him up on the other side of a hellion's gun in a mugging. Drake was almost dead before his body was possessed by the demon Pyrophobia. For the longest time, Drake was uncertain of his abilities or where they came from, chalking it up to possibly being a kheldian melding gone wrong of some kind due to his hellfire being white at the time.
It wasn't until Pyrophobia began to rear it's head in Drake's soul that he started to notice something was wrong. He began to blackout and lose periods of time without warning, and he noticed a strange pattern of coincidences that surrounded him, including people being harmed or terrorized. The other phobias began to appear one after the other as well, serving as difficult challenges for Drake and his friends as they attempted to awaken the dormant Pyrophobia.
Unfortunately, Drake didn't realize this until his body was taken over by Pyrophobia during a period of weakness.
The demon was eventually stopped by Kevin and his wife, Mara. Unfortunately this was at the cost of Drake's life.
After his death, an unforeseen side-effect of their melding occurred. Due to their level of connection, one cannot exist in this world without the other. Consequently, one cannot leave this world either. Drake resurrected alongside a confused Pyrophobia. Although his friends were joyful, Drake found a difficulty feeling comfortable in his surroundings knowing that Pyrophobia lurked deep within his soul still.
He left Paragon, leaving only an apology note and carrying a bag of clothes with him.
====In-Between Homes====
After Paragon, Drake moved north where he began couch surfing and moving from hook-up to hook-up for a place to crash. During this time, the two spent a large amount of time talking to each other, and an uneasy truce was born between the two. Eventually, the two began to confide in each other and strengthen their bond.
During this time, Drake bounced from job to job, until he ended up being scouted by his mentor at the Pinsky Detective Agency due to him and Pyre's observation skills. Drake was trained and offered a chance to finish a short college degree at the agency, and he took the chance to jump into a field that had interested him since he first learned about his ability to utilize magic and Pyre's hellfire. Pinsky was a hard boss, but Drake flourished under his tutelage and eventually gained the confidence to strike out on his own.
Eventually, he made the decision it was time to face his own past, and returned to Paragon city.
====Life Interrupted====
Returning to the city has been less bumpy than Drake had expected. Kev and Mara accepted him back into his life, he managed to land a place with his old landlord's son, and registered himself as a PI in the city of Paragon thanks to Pinsky's recommendation. Since then, he's gotten involved in several cases, and made contacts at the local police stations that have helped immensely in them become a part of Paragon again.
As for the future? No one knows, but even if there are dark clouds on the horizon, Drake and Pyre feel confident managing anything together.
== Abilities ==
As the demon of Pyrophobia, Pyre has access to fire related magic and abilities, but he's especially adept at the utilization of a force known as hellfire. While it is fire in nature, hellfire is closer to an energy form that breaks down matter than it is actual fire. Drake and Pyre are capable of conjuring up large amount of hellfire together, far more than Pyre would be able to separately. Hellfire uses up Drake's magical energy, which means he tries to avoid using it if he can.
Unfortunately, due to the damage Drake and Pyre sustained from Drake's death, they're unable to utilize their full power anymore. Even fully synchronizing only lasts for a short period before the strain becomes too great on Drake.
As an unintended side effect, Drake and Pyre seem unable to permanently die. Should Drake or Pyre die, they will revive (or as Drake calls it "respawn") after a short period due to the nature of their melding. Their body will return to the last healthiest state they were in, and anything removed from their body will be dissolved in hellfire as a new one grows in. The two are still fully effected by the pain of their injuries, but have an almost unsettling lack of care about their lifespan in combat.
Unfortunately, the more Drake dies, the more his soul is damaged and fractured, which takes time and rest to heal.
After long conversations and thought, Pyre recognizes that Drake has a certain quality to his soul that Pyre calls "Affinity". Essentially, Drake has a quality to his soul that attracts demonic entities to him while making him naturally more resistance to their corruption. Affinity seems to work on any demon that Drake interacts with, and outside of context and circumstance, many demons begin with around a neutral attitude with Drake. Affinity also gives Drake a couple extra ranks of willpower against demonic or eldritch corruption.
Since he was a teenager, Drake has had a minor talent for utilizing magical energy. He became especially interested in enchanting objects, which has carried over into his adult life. While he lost some of his magical capabilities since his possession by Pyre, Drake still manages to utilize cantrips and enchantments on the fly using a combination of items, song, and gestures. Most notably, he's replaced much of his verbal components with whistling.
Strangely enough, Drake isn't fully sure where he acquires the mana he utilizes for spells from. He comments that he's used a few big spells before, and yet the ambient mana in the area never fully changes.
Drake is entirely self taught in magic, which means he's not always the best wizard, and there's plenty of gaps in his education. He's good at figuring out concepts, but not so much executing them without a lot of experimentation.
*'''Reinforcement''': A spell designed to improve the durability and utilization of an object utilizing magical energy. Drake primarily uses this to improve his ammunition or his equipment, bumping up their damage or defensive abilities by a rank. If it's an object Drake himself made, he's able to bump up its capabilities by almost two ranks.
*'''Wide Area Boost''': Another specialty of Drake that makes use of his mana to improve his and his allies' stats by a rank temporarily.
*'''Shroud''': A common investigation trick, Drake hides himself using his magic to avoid visual detection.
====Detective's Intuition====
Although he mentions it more as a joke, Drake does have a talent for understanding and observing things around him. Most notably, Drake seems to be almost supernaturally aware of danger in his vicinity, and makes decisions based on some instinctual response. Pyre hasn't been able to explain this one, but notes that Drake seems to make good use of it, so it can only be a boon.
Drake's figures it's a supernatural ability, but he's not sure. All he knows is that if he channels his magical energy right, he can get hints or ideas that seem to arrive without proper evidence.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! colspan=2 | Spoilers &nbsp;
| Unfortunately due to his connection to Pyre, Drake has lost a large amount of his magical affinity in return for Pyre's power. Originally, had Drake mastered his magical talents, he would have found out that he had potential to utilize the magic of parallel dimensions, Kaleidoscope. Drake unconsciously utilizes this talent to not only bolster his magical energy capacity by dragging in mana from parallel timelines, but it's also a part of his intuition. After all, if you're aware of all the times you should be dead, it's easier to avoid death.
*'''Synchronizer''': Drake's beloved revolver and the result of many months of experimentation. A Taurus Judge Drake bought while up north, and received a special permit for. Every part of the gun is painstakingly enchanted and inscribed for the spell it's designed for. Synchronizer is, as it's name states, a tool designed primarily to offset the strain on Drake from synchronizing with Pyre. Additionally, it acts as his magical focus for utilizing spells and channeling some of Pyre's techniques.
*'''Mana Cap''': An ear cuff designed by Drake in his teen years to help hide his gifts from his conservative family. This earring absorbs his magical energy until it reaches a certain level, at which point it masks it's own magical signature utilizing the absorbed magical energy. Nowadays, he mostly uses it for investigations where it's better to seem human.
*'''Safehouse Bag''': Another tool Drake utilizes is his messenger backpack that's filled with his investigative gear. The bag is primarily enchanted to keep anything in it hidden and protected, allowing Drake to move more recklessly without having to worry about his equipment being damaged.
==RP Hooks==
*Drake often sends out reports or calls of criminal activity to the PPC radio for heroes.
*While they occasionally hide it, it's pretty easy to notice their demonic aura.
*Drake maintains a close relationship with the Kings Row PD, and can often be found discussing cases or reporting crimes he's uncovered during investigation.
*Drake works part time at The Wizard's Well, an all around nerd shop.
==Special Notes==
*Protector native from the live servers!
*Drake prefers dark colors.
*Drake has a form of synesthesia that allows him to feel sounds as textures.
*Due to sensory issues, Drake constantly wears sunglasses and keeps earbuds on him.
[[Category: Character]] [[Category:Hero]] [[Category:Gay]] [[Category:Magic]] [[Category:Demon]] [[Category:LGBT]] [[Category:Investigator]]

Latest revision as of 01:58, 9 October 2022