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[[Category: Vigilante]][[Category: Female]][[Category: Natural]][[Category:Dominator]][[Category:Everlasting]][[Category:Alien]]
[[Category: Vigilante]][[Category: Female]][[Category: Natural]][[Category:Dominator]][[Category:Everlasting]][[Category:Alien]]

Revision as of 14:17, 11 September 2022


Vigilante Icon Web.png
The Lost
· Natural Vigilante ·
Antimatter Control
Player: @Airborne
Real Name
Earth Refugee
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Body Type

"The problem with being the last of anything, by and by, there'll be none left at all". Some would argue the near-extinction of the Antilian Race was a blessing in disguise, but for one of the last remaining of her species, Urie battles in the blissful ignorance that her existence is one of burning defiance.

Fighting under the banner of a planet and species once regarded as the 'boogeymen' of the universe is difficult enough; Even more so when you're one of the reasons they fell so low...

Power Grid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  Energy Projection
  Fighting Skill


The Antilian's

The Antilian species had been around for a very long time. Existing before humanity, however in a very different physical form, there are ancient data-scripts that detail that this Race were once very spiritual. Their forms consisted of mostly energy, held together by an unknown force emanating from their twin suns, which they in turn worshipped. They were visited regularly by species of other planets, being revered as energy beings that held power over matter, their pacifist nature making them easy friend rather than foe.

One fateful visit however, granted them knowledge that cursed them forever. Another species, their name lost to time, visited their solar system to study the power of the twin suns. The moment their advanced technology came within reach of the suns, there was a solar flare that sent out ripples throughout the galaxy. The species themselves were wiped out, and some mutter that the ripple even spread out to touch all those who shared ancestry with this race. The ripple also affected the Antilian's themselves, robbing them of their energy form and bestowing them with physical bodies. This is where the once great Antilian name begun its descent into darkness...


The home planet of the Antilian Race was also unique. In comparison to Earth, it was half the size but spun 5 times as quickly. It was the only planet in orbit around the twin suns, with two moons. It also had a ring similar to Saturn, however its ring was made of pure anti-matter. This ring somehow existed in tangent with matter itself, drawing power from the suns. This was a natural defense against invaders; however, it eventually became almost a prison. Only technology crafted by Antilians themselves could make it past the ring without being affected.

The ecosystem was very lacklustre compared to Earth, the colour of the planet from afar being a more mottle grey than vibrant blue as there was a considerable lack of water; being only 37% water as opposed to Earths 71%. This did not allow for many species to evolve on the planet, however what did evolved at an accelerated rate. The most advanced species being the Antilians.


Over-time, the physical bodies of the Antilians changed further and further. As they strayed away from their spiritual, energy forms, they begun to delve further into technology to try and survive. The planets hostile environment forced them to live in large domes on the surface that contained all of the requirements to survive. This, in turn, caused them to lose much of their natural abilities, only retaining an advanced level of intelligence.

A select band of scientists wanted to resurrect the original template of their species. This is where Project Fellstar started; The goal being to try and isolate the connection between the species, the planet, and the suns, to bring about a reawakening. The issue was the lack of genetic variety in the Antilians, as they had begun to inter-breed to try and keep going. The only option? To study the variety of genetics in other species, so they could compare to their own genetic code and find the subtle differences that made them unique...




The Pure Antilian

Antimatter: The Antilian's most powerful ability; The creation and control of antimatter.

  • Antimatter Creation/Control: Being living conduits of antimatter, the once pure-energy beings of Kalos-Nine were worshipped for their connection to the energy spread throughout the universe. While they gained this power seemingly from their twin-suns, the fact they lost this ability as they evolved shows their original forms were required to harness it. Urie is able to use this ability even with her physical form, showing that Project Fellstar was a success. She is able to conjure, control and manipulate antimatter, making her a highly destructive force that not many can defend against.
  • Black-Hole Eyes A last resort ability; As a baby, Urie gazed upon the twin-suns as they went supernova. The ensuing twin black holes that were created were burned into her eyes, causing her to lose her vision. However, what replaced them were the last step of Project Fellstar; Gifting the ability to be able to harness antimatter. It is her 'eyes' that store the power, and she will only open them if the enemy she faces is too dangerous to leave alive.
  • Force Field Generation: As a by-product, she is able to create fields of anti-matter around her. While not 'shields' per say, any regular matter that comes into contact with it, is instantly destroyed. She is able to control the lethality of this destruction.
  • Flight: Her control over antimatter allows her to bend the laws of physics and give herself flight by manipulating her own form.

Enhanced Intelligence: Has a naturally high-intelligence, native to her species.



A: A

A: A


Antilian Physiology: The body of an Antilian, while looks wise is very similar to humans, has some subtle differences on the outside, but internally are very different:

  • Lungs: Antilians do not have lungs. Instead, their skin does the 'breathing'. Their body constantly takes in oxygen, converting it into energy to sustain themselves.
  • Heart: While they do have a heart, it's job is very different. Instead of pumping blood around the body, the heart is situated higher up, and closer to the front, acting as a type of field generator that makes sure their own physical matter body does not get destroyed alongside anything else when they use their antimatter abilities. Each and every Antilian 'heart' contains an unknown element that is still under research, however similar elements have been discovered inside blue dwarfs.
  • Brain: Probably the most similar to humans, the brain functions in near enough the same way, however it has an enlarged cerebello-parietal and frontal lobe, while the brainstem and cerebellum is also slightly larger with more neuron connections. When Urie was medically examined also, it was noted her occipital lobes had changed the most. With the loss of her eyes, this is to be expected, however instead of shrinking they had grown several sizes, almost to the point it would put pressure on her skull. This does not cause her discomfort or pain and does not seem to affect her negatively in any way.
  • Stomach: Antilians have a very small stomach, unable to consume half the amount a human does. It also does not connect to a similar digestive system, instead moving directly to the 'intestines', of which is explained next. Also, they do not have any form of stomach acid, digestion instead takes place over time as the food moves a lot slower through the body.
  • Liver: The largest organ in the Antilian body, this area serves as the actual reproductive organ of the species. Instead of traditional human-mating, Antilians are created through pure energy that is given form through this liver. While Antilians do possess 'sexual organs', they're mainly for recreational purposes, and the act of creating a child is one of more emotional partnership than physical.
  • Intestines/Other organs: The intestines are once again smaller, and instead of being a coiled together mass of tubes, it is large and flat, and acts as a type of 'storage' space as food slowly is digested over a much longer period of time. Other organs that either are missing, or serve a different purpose, are; The kidneys, the pancreas, the gallbladder and the spleen.


The skeleton, muscles and skin of an Antilian are pretty much identical, apart from the aforementioned job of the skin being the breathing system. The muscles themselves are denser than humans, but smaller. The skeleton also has slight differences; Due to the lack of lungs and the heart being in a more prominent position, the ribcage is higher up, and instead of a 'cage' pattern, it forms a solid layer of bone across the heart. The pectoral muscles also are much denser, and connect around to the back, where a second, even thicker plate of bone resides that stretches down to the lower back. The joint areas are also reinforced, with the rotator muscles being denser and the sockets larger to allow more flexibility within the joint. This makes Antilians deceivingly heavy, as the bone within them is of a denser material than regular humans.

Their skull is also thicker, with an extra row of teeth that only appear if a tooth is lost. The optical bones are also denser, giving a slightly more jutting out brow. Some of these subtle differences are how Antilians are differentiated from humans.

The skin itself is also thicker, and shows no marks. The pores are enlarged, which is where they take in oxygen. Antilians do not have body hair also, with the hair on their head being the only visible source of it.



  • WIP


