Goddess Laucianna

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Goddess of all Kheldians.png
Goddess Laucianna
Player: Laucianna
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: PeaceBringer
Security Level: Veteran level 780
Personal Data
Real Name: Lauci
Known Aliases: "Goddess", "GL"
Species: Kheldian
Age: Over 2,000
Height: 6'1
Weight: 142 ibs
Eye Color: Glowing gold
Hair Color: Shoulder length white
Biographical Data
Nationality: Italian
Occupation: Self proclaimed Goddess
Place of Birth: Countryside outside of Rome
Base of Operations: N/A
Marital Status: Engaged to Faelyn Dawnlake
Known Relatives: N/A
Known Powers
Teleportation, Form shifting, Summoning
Known Abilities

Lauci's birth in ancient Rome was blessed with a beam of pure power, gifting her with hair as white as snow and the ability to instantly teleport over long distances. Testing her limits, she unintentionally teleported herself and a nearby mountain shrine into orbit.

Panicking on her now floating shrine, she encountered Prometheus, who revealed her powers' origin in the Well of the Furies. Guided to Ouroboros, her abilities merged with the timestream, enabling her to traverse spacetime and aid Prometheus in recruiting allies.

During a Rikti attack on a spaceship, Lauci encountered Anna, a Kheldian asking for help against their ancient foe, the Nictus. Accepting, Lauci gained the Kheldians' power. Now known as "Laucianna," she travels through spacetime, taking on diverse forms and strengths.

Earning the title of "Goddess," she battles in Paragon City, a convergence of Rikti, godlike beings, and the Nictus, accumulating new forms and powers with each encounter, steadily enhancing her formidable abilities.