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Revision as of 21:39, 17 June 2021 by Leif (talk | contribs)
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Hello guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Back in the day, I didn't really go by any name aside from whatever character I was mostly known by but I now go by Leif. I had three globals back in 2009-2012: DenjiHama, then changed to Darkshot Avenger, and changed again to Red Ice. Other than that, I highly doubt you really care about who I am as much as the characters I play. But here are some basic things about me. And by the by, please excuse the mess. This page is always going to be a work in progress. Also, while I am a gigantic altoholic, there are characters I am on more often than others.

About the player

  • Gender: Male
  • Age: Definitely older than 21
  • Timezone: GMT -6, Twin Cities area
  • Schedule: Usually on during the evenings. My schedule is sporadic.
  • Contact stuff: (in order of contact preference)
    • Global: @LeifBlade
    • Discord: inquire within
    • Twitter: LeifBlade
  • Did I mention I am a gigantic altoholic? I did, didn't I...


This list might not be long right now but just you watch. I should also remind everyone that all of my characters are on the Everlasting server.


Characters that are within or operate in Paragon City.



Characters that are within or operate in The Rogue Isles.



Characters that originated from Praetorian Earth whom have left for Primal Earth, whether going Blue or Red.


AT's and Origins

I just like keeping count of my character spread throughout all the archetypes and origins.


Some RP guidelines

I don't have much, but here's a quick run down.

  • I'm open to most forms of RP. (While I am open to more mature forms of RP, consent and discussion are a must.)
  • I really enjoy developing character relationships, whether it's making friends, finding significant others, making enemies, I like it. However, I prefer we discuss things first.
  • Open to text fighting and PvP, within reason. (I do not tolerate godmoding.)
  • While most of my characters have secret identities, let's have some discussion if you want to get them to unveil it to your character.
  • This shouldn't have to be said but any and all information contained in my pages should not be used to metagame. OOC knowledge does not equal IC knowledge.
  • Any questions, get a hold of me. (I'm fairly approachable and easy to get a hold of. See above for ways to do that.)


Who am I kidding? I'm an altoholic. I've mentioned that already, right?

Art Comissions!

If you are an artist and are taking commissions, please leave me a message! I'm always looking for artists who can and are willing to take my commissions for my characters!

Also, if you'd like to suggest an artist to me, please do so!