Hellish Kitty

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Revision as of 02:31, 17 September 2022 by AhFtagn (talk | contribs) (Feline of a long line of Familiars, turned Human-like being and bound in spirit to a demon.)
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Hellish Kitty
Player: StrangeAeons
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Mastermind
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Lucienne Blackstone
Known Aliases: Lucy
Species: Humanoid, Altered Housecat
Age: 24
Height: 4 Feet, 4 Inches (~1.32 Meters)
Weight: 72 Pounds (~32.66 Kilograms)
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Native to Rogue Isles (Citizen of Rogue Isles, USA, United Kingdom)
Occupation: Demon's Familiar, Infernalist Mage
Place of Birth: Nerva Archipelago, Blackstone Estate
Base of Operations: Nerva Archipelago
Marital Status: Unmarried (Bound to Naale Baa as Familiar)
Known Relatives: Alicia Blackstone (Deceased, Adoptive Mother), Johnathan Blackstone (Deceased, Brother), Katherine Blackstone (Deceased, Sister), Alexa Blackstone (Feral, Sister), Dante Blackstone (Living, Brother), Alexander Blackstone (Deceased, Brother), Artemis (Deceased, Birth Mother and Alicia's familiar), Ares (Deceased, Birth Father and familiar of Alessandro Romano)
Known Powers
Practical Spellcraft, Ritual Magic, Alchemical Knowledge, Hellfire control, and Demon Summoning.
Known Abilities
Feline dexterity and agility, improved sense of smell, Broad base of esoteric knowledge, and subconscious empathic communication with whomever she is soul-bonded with.
Grimoir, component pouch, and clothing.
Weak versus magical mind control, has trouble with modern technology. Does not own a cell phone, computer, etcetera. Doesn't fully understand human social conduct. Physically weak, physically feeble, limited ability to endure physical activities. Demons are able to partially ignore her arcane resistances.