Smashley Madison

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As discrete or indiscreet as you'd like
Smashley Madison
Player: @Belah Nain
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Brute
Security Level: Rising
Personal Data
Real Name: Ashley Runa
Known Aliases: Madison Excidio, Ash, Smash, Maddie
Species: Human
Age: Yes
Height: 2.23m (7'4")
Weight: 845kg (1,863 lbs)
Eye Color: Variable
Hair Color: Variable
Biographical Data
Nationality: Rogue Isles Citizen
Occupation: Sex Worker, Paralegal
Place of Birth: Neutropolis, Praetoria
Base of Operations: St. Martial, Rogue Isles
Marital Status: LOL
Known Relatives: Undetermined
Known Powers
Bio-energy forcefield, matter-disruption, radiation emission, superhuman strength, superhuman durability
Known Abilities
Skilled in persuasion, interrogation, business management, and legal negotiation
Personal teleporter, PPD radio, a ledger of every client and their preferences
Femme, Queer, Polyamorous

Unconventional Desires

"Need something destroyed? As discretely or publicly as possible? Do you like watching something wrecked and ruined with a bit of style? A bit of flair? A bit of wicked exhibition?"

"Let's talk."

Devastatingly Seductive

"What do you really want to see?"

Discrete Demolition

"Let's negotiate..."

Benefits & Consequences

"Attempt to manipulate or otherwise screw with me, and you'll have a starring role in my fantasy."