Super Slam

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"It's Hammer Time!"
Super Slam
Player: Suspicious Activity
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50
Server: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Longbow Asset SC-TW-BA Mark 3
Known Aliases: Project Fang Buster
Species: Human
Age: 25
Height: 8'5" / 2.5 meters
Weight: 4,409 pounds / 2 metric tonnes
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Not Applicable
Biographical Data
Nationality: United States of America
Occupation: Incarnate Crisis Unit
Place of Birth: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Base of Operations: Peregrine Island
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Titan Weapons/Bio Armor
Known Abilities
Super Jump
A very large hammer

Longbow raided one of Nosferatu's lairs. They retrieved his biomechanical research. This information was then used to produce this heavily armored unit. The suit is composed of a "living" metal that interfaces with the soldier's vitals for maximum performance.

One of the junior engineers "wanted to see what happened," when he equipped a fusion hammer. The weapon was literally a flat-faced hammer with a rocket attached. The results were smashingly successful. It was nicknamed, "Super Slam," and the name stuck.

Piloted by a single trained soldier, Super Slam is here to take on the greatest threats, especially against Nosferatu.

Challengers of the Infinite