Syndicate of Nitrovampires 2100

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Syndicate of Nitrovampires 2100
Founder: Undead Lizzie
Alignment(s): Villains
Motto: '
Leader(s): Undead Lizzie
Logo: '
Group Colours: '
Levels: mostly lowbies
Play style: casual
Roleplay: OOC only
Timezone(s): UTC+1/UTC+2
Recruiting: No
Contact: @Corlagon

The Syndicate of Nitrovampires 2100 is a single-player Villain/Rogue Supergroup on Reunion.

Group History

The destruction and re-formation of the multiverse resulted in the demise of various Supergroups, including Generic Villaingroup 101 and The Cuckoo's Nest.

Eventually, Undead Lizzie, formerly a mid-ranking member in GVG 101, decided to form a new group, naming it "Syndicate of Nitrovampires 2100", in response to Angel Tina, an old rival of hers, having founded the Schwesternschaft nordamerikanischer Piratenengel, as well as to satisfy her desire to have companions beyond her existing group of undead she could rule over to some extent.

She subsequently invited a few former comrades and allies she had remained in touch with, most prominently Evil Huntress, most recently of the Cuckoo's Nest. Taking care of various tasks and formalities that Lizzie (despite being an impressive leader in theory) doesn't want to be bothered with, Evil Huntress effectively took control of the group. While seeing it as a useful way to expand her network of power, she also genuinely seeks to support her fellow villains, as she takes pleasure in taking part in the great struggle between good and evil.


The group's silly name causes it not to be taken seriously by quite a few would-be recruits. However, it has also been misinterpreted as self-irony, and this has made some mercenaries and anti-villains join up, not realizing the leaders are people they'd normally find disgusting.

Active recruitment has since halted, as neither Lizzie nor Evil Huntress are actually interested in a larger group, with the former considering the Nitrovampires a circle of "friends" she can somewhat boss around, and the latter not wanting to draw too much attention from rival villains and heroes.