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<div style="float:right;margin-right:-200px;">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/999823438258638878/bea.png</div>
<div style="float:left;margin-left:-60px;margin-top:-35px">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/994277006013386852/b.png</div>
<div style="float:left;margin-left:-60px;margin-top:-35px">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/994277006013386852/b.png</div>
<div style="float:left;margin-left:-125px;margin-top:168px">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/994277763315945623/be.png</div>
<div style="float:left;margin-left:-125px;margin-top:168px">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/994277763315945623/be.png</div>
<div style="float:left;margin-left:-105px;margin-top:398px">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/994277763315945623/be.png</div>
<div style="float:left;margin-left:-105px;margin-top:398px">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/994277763315945623/be.png</div>
<div style="float:left;margin-left:-130px;margin-top:613px">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/994278671420510358/bee.png</div>
<div style="float:left;margin-left:-119px;margin-top:637px">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/999825065577287690/bbac.png</div>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus elementum mauris at urna porttitor suscipit. In ullamcorper varius odio sit amet dictum. Fusce ut auctor eros. Praesent quis tellus pulvinar, elementum nibh ac, mattis augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent nec ipsum dui. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id urna non eros elementum consectetur. Proin nec egestas felis. Mauris maximus hendrerit gravida. Morbi sit amet felis vel diam pretium molestie sed eget mauris. Ut egestas magna mollis tortor luctus, eu ornare lacus varius. Vestibulum eleifend, enim eget viverra feugiat, ex elit suscipit nulla, id tempus dui est vitae nulla. Praesent tincidunt pulvinar interdum.
<div style="float:left;margin-left:-187px;margin-top:829px">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/994278671420510358/bee.png</div>
<span style="color:#7A6050">Bea Carpenter</span> always had a fascination with bees — from honey to bumble and everything in between — and took it upon herself to push for the conservation and protection of the vital species. On a soap box she'd stand, lauding bees and their importance to every ecosystem and how the world mistreats them at every turn; how bumblebees are just happy to exist and bump into things like lost little puppies; how, when pollinating, bees will sometimes take naps in flowers with their bee-bums pointed straight up into the air. She was dedicated to the cause from the time she was old enough to read.

When she came into her powers, they took after her passions; now able to seemingly control people's actions much like a queen bee and control plant-life, making the environment flourish around her. It didn't take long for her to don the name <span style="color:#2E2634>Pollinate</span> and take her stance as an activist and hero — for the <em><strong><span style="color:#FADD59">Bees</span></strong></em>!

Ut eget blandit eros. Phasellus eu pellentesque dui. Vestibulum hendrerit auctor vulputate. In nisl mi, volutpat sed gravida eu, blandit eu urna. Pellentesque sit amet placerat odio, id placerat nisl. Nulla ligula nisi, sagittis in interdum quis, egestas non orci. Aliquam placerat, magna et imperdiet ullamcorper, purus velit fermentum erat, ac mollis metus diam quis dui. Phasellus volutpat tincidunt tellus vel bibendum. Vestibulum at libero eu magna lobortis tincidunt vitae sit amet erat. Morbi in malesuada nulla, sed facilisis justo. Proin eleifend finibus tellus in euismod. Nam eu consequat metus, eget condimentum metus. In sed orci mi.
<center><span style="color:#2E2634; font-size:55px">A BEE-UTIFUL SITUATION</span></center>

Fusce convallis accumsan elit at faucibus. Fusce dapibus dolor sem, in pulvinar sem commodo quis. Integer iaculis vel tortor non facilisis. Etiam facilisis egestas elit ac ultricies. Quisque facilisis, leo eu suscipit cursus, risus nisi laoreet ante, lobortis luctus quam metus eget lectus. Donec mattis odio sed tortor luctus, ut accumsan tellus rutrum. Nam luctus faucibus erat, at efficitur metus malesuada non. Nulla facilisi. Nullam molestie magna mollis erat blandit, sit amet ultrices mi molestie. Sed dictum sem mi, non rhoncus nulla accumsan at. Praesent augue leo, pulvinar a leo et, tristique tempus sem. Mauris ac fermentum orci. Suspendisse non condimentum tortor. Suspendisse hendrerit aliquam facilisis. Etiam pellentesque lectus ut fringilla efficitur.
She likes to call it divine intervention that gave her all her supposed mutations. Affectations of a bee in several ways and the power to go along with it.

Vestibulum fringilla nunc id condimentum aliquet. Quisque nec faucibus nisi, sit amet fermentum libero. Proin posuere orci velit, nec finibus mauris pretium eu. In eget dui quis lectus iaculis tincidunt. In sollicitudin sit amet est vel imperdiet. Aliquam ullamcorper, odio sit amet finibus luctus, eros dui convallis lectus, nec porta massa dolor nec ipsum. Vivamus suscipit, odio vitae tincidunt dignissim, erat elit auctor sapien, ut tincidunt turpis ipsum a arcu. Nam at ornare quam, et ornare turpis. Vestibulum venenatis sed lectus sed hendrerit. Aenean sit amet ex id lectus volutpat ultrices sit amet cursus justo. Duis laoreet malesuada nunc. Morbi sit amet ligula tellus.
;<span style="color:#FADD59">PHEREMONE CONTROL</span>
<div style="float:left;margin-top:-54px>https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/994279641672065114/bees.png</div>
:With the ability to manipulate the minds and bodies of others to do her bidding to some degree, Bea uses this against foes to send them flying, bind them in place, and generally make sure they're having a bad time. Especially if they're messing with her friends!
;<span style="color:#FADD59">BEE PHYSIOLOGY</span>
:Bea now has ridges on her face that help her collect pollen, as well as a fine amount of hair along the ridges on her hands and fingertips to do to the same; she can sting people through the heel of her boots in her costume, loaded with a toxin that'll have varying effects depending on the sting. She also has a misplaced sense of direction and tends to bumble into things without meaning to.

;<span style="color:#FADD59">PLANT MANIPULATION</span>
:With her ability to now pollinate came the power to manipulate plants. She can grow them and utilize them to both hinder her foes and help her friends. Most of the time she merely dotes upon them as an integral part of her personal ecosystem and support system.

;<span style="color:#FADD59">BEE KEN</span>
:Bea can now talk to bees and often has a few bumbling around her at any given time. She's very protective of them and tends to get violent when they're threatened.
<div style="float:left;margin-top:34px;margin-left:95px;>https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/994279641672065114/bees.png</div>


Latest revision as of 23:57, 21 July 2022




Bea Carpenter always had a fascination with bees — from honey to bumble and everything in between — and took it upon herself to push for the conservation and protection of the vital species. On a soap box she'd stand, lauding bees and their importance to every ecosystem and how the world mistreats them at every turn; how bumblebees are just happy to exist and bump into things like lost little puppies; how, when pollinating, bees will sometimes take naps in flowers with their bee-bums pointed straight up into the air. She was dedicated to the cause from the time she was old enough to read.

When she came into her powers, they took after her passions; now able to seemingly control people's actions much like a queen bee and control plant-life, making the environment flourish around her. It didn't take long for her to don the name Pollinate and take her stance as an activist and hero — for the Bees!


She likes to call it divine intervention that gave her all her supposed mutations. Affectations of a bee in several ways and the power to go along with it.

With the ability to manipulate the minds and bodies of others to do her bidding to some degree, Bea uses this against foes to send them flying, bind them in place, and generally make sure they're having a bad time. Especially if they're messing with her friends!
Bea now has ridges on her face that help her collect pollen, as well as a fine amount of hair along the ridges on her hands and fingertips to do to the same; she can sting people through the heel of her boots in her costume, loaded with a toxin that'll have varying effects depending on the sting. She also has a misplaced sense of direction and tends to bumble into things without meaning to.
With her ability to now pollinate came the power to manipulate plants. She can grow them and utilize them to both hinder her foes and help her friends. Most of the time she merely dotes upon them as an integral part of her personal ecosystem and support system.
Bea can now talk to bees and often has a few bumbling around her at any given time. She's very protective of them and tends to get violent when they're threatened.