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[[File:Image by Anathematixs.jpg|frame|left|Blood-Mother as "Ki", Goddess of the Earth]]<span style="font-size:17px;">The earliest traces of the entity now known as "The Blood-Mother" can be traced back to the Akkadian Empire, soon after Sargon of Akkad defeated Lugal-Zage-Si there by conquering his empire. The evil spirit had taken the form of a beautiful woman and using her powers (though still very weak), was easily able to convince Sargon that she was "Ki" the Goddess of the Earth.  Convincing Sargon that he had the blessing and protection of the Gods, Sargon began to invade the surrounding territories. Believing they could not be beaten due to the Gods favor, they advanced quickly and met with great success. During Sargon's life his empire continued to grow through conquering.</span>
[[File:Image by Anathematixs.jpg|thumb|left|Blood-Mother as "Ki", Goddess of the Earth]]<span style="font-size:17px;">The earliest traces of the entity now known as "The Blood-Mother" can be traced back to the Akkadian Empire, soon after Sargon of Akkad defeated Lugal-Zage-Si there by conquering his empire. The evil spirit had taken the form of a beautiful woman and using her powers (though still very weak), was easily able to convince Sargon that she was "Ki" the Goddess of the Earth.  Convincing Sargon that he had the blessing and protection of the Gods, Sargon began to invade the surrounding territories. Believing they could not be beaten due to the Gods favor, they advanced quickly and met with great success. During Sargon's life his empire continued to grow through conquering.</span>

Revision as of 01:54, 24 November 2023


[[Image:Image by J Estacado.gif|300px|]]
Corrupted Earth Spirit
Character Build
Security Level:
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Known Aliases:
Crystal Blake
Dawn of Earth
Earth Spirit
Physical Build:
Physical Features:
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Lawful Neutral

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Years Active:
2 Years
Base of Operations:
Paragon City, Rogue Isles
Rogue Isles
High School, Arachnos
Criminal, Bouncer
Marital Status:
Single, Never Married
Known Powers and Abilities

- Master Hand to Hand Combatant

- Reflexes, Strength, Endurance, and Agility operate at Super Human levels
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Rocket Board
ReldinBox Template


The Blood-Mother is one of the most powerful corrupt nature spirits known to exist. She was born of the taint within the Mother Goddess caused by all the death and destruction throughout the centuries. While all the Blood-Mother's magic abilities are formidable, her nature based powers are truly terrifying.


The Blood-Mother appears to be a woman in her early 30's. She bears black, tattoo-like features on her face, believed to be the mark of a pure nature spirit. Aside from that, her body and face appear to be flawless in every way. Her voice is normally sultry and alluring, but changes to a softer more soothing tone at times. At first glance, she may appear to be the perfect woman.

While some may say her unnatural beauty is due to her being a spirit of nature, that would only be partially true. The Blood-Mother is neither a ghostly spirit, nor is she flesh and blood. She is actually sentient stone (or crystal to be exact), the flesh on her body is simply to maintain a human appearance. The true reason for her beauty is that her form was quite literally carved and chiseled by the hand of nature who has centuries of experience. Making her form, in fact, flawless.

Since her shape is created by her own power, she can change her appearance easily. She often switches between different clothes and hairstyles, but often leaves her body and facial features the same. It is possible for her to take any shape, be it a beautiful woman, or a hulking monstrosity.

Powers and Abilities

The Blood-Mother combines earth, blood, magic, and her own evil taint to create and manipulate a unique substance called "Blood Crystals". These crystals are sharper than razors and harder than diamonds. They share the dark red coloring of their name and have been used in a variety of ways.

Offensively, shards are employed as throwing or stabbing weapons making them a primary method of attack. The Blood-Mother can also create large amounts with frightening speed, using the crystal to encase and incapacitate her foes. She has kept a few of her kills as trophies. Beings that will remain encased and displayed forever.

Defensively, the Blood-Mother can cover her entire body with these razor shards to protect her from physical attacks. Also, since her entire body is made of this same substance she has a high resistance to physical damage. Her body is hard enough to withstand bullets, and laser refract off of her like light in a prism. She does have several distinct weaknesses, none of which she speaks of regularly.

One of the stranger abilities of the Blood-Mother, she is able to merge her spirit with another Mage. Being that her physical body is merely a shell, merging her spirit with another magic user is a simple task if both members are willing. The Mage temporarily gains vast arcane knowledge and an exponential increase in magical power. There is however, a single drawback. The Blood-Mother is, at the simplest definition, and evil taint born of centuries of death and evil. Along with vast power the Mage also quickly becomes more sadistic and corrupt, eventually becoming uncontrollable. Many mages have met their demise in this power mad state, much to the Blood-Mothers amusement.

In fact, she has very little to fear from death. Like nature, her existence moves in cycles. If her physical form is destroyed, she would eventually take a new form, and the cycle would begin again. It has been theorized that the evil spirit could be permanently destroyed through magic, but magic strong enough to destroy the spirit of the Mother Goddess is not known to exist.

Early History

Since the dawn of mankind, nature’s spirit has had many names. Gaia, Terra, but most came to refer to her simply as “The Mother”. She was the spirit of the earth and all living things, preserving the natural balance of life, death, and rebirth.

The Mother became aware of a dark taint within her spirit. A taint born of all the blood spilled into her soil, and her deep hidden anger and resentment towards mankind. As this taint grew, the Mother feared it would overtake her and the balance of nature would be lost forever. So the Mother separated this taint from herself, in turn creating a new spirit. She cast this spirit down, trapping it deep within the Earth, where it was meant to remain forever.

However, this spirit born of the Mother's evil taint had already become strong enough to take physical form. While new to the "living" world and still weak, her influence would touch mankind throughout history.


Blood-Mother as "Ki", Goddess of the Earth
The earliest traces of the entity now known as "The Blood-Mother" can be traced back to the Akkadian Empire, soon after Sargon of Akkad defeated Lugal-Zage-Si there by conquering his empire. The evil spirit had taken the form of a beautiful woman and using her powers (though still very weak), was easily able to convince Sargon that she was "Ki" the Goddess of the Earth. Convincing Sargon that he had the blessing and protection of the Gods, Sargon began to invade the surrounding territories. Believing they could not be beaten due to the Gods favor, they advanced quickly and met with great success. During Sargon's life his empire continued to grow through conquering.

By the time Sargon died, the wars had all but died out. They had defeated all within the reach of their empire. Sargon's youngest son Rimush took over the throne. The Blood-Mother was not pleased with this lack of bloodshed, and secretly instigated revolt among the people. Rimush battled many revolts in his 9 years of ruling before he was allegedly assassinated.

Manishtushu, Sargon's eldest son, then took the throne. This son was also assassinated during a Sea battle against 32 Kings who had united against him. Historical records show that at lease 25 of the 32 Kings were approached by a "Beautiful Goddess". These records imply that the Blood-Mother orchestrated the confrontation in secret.

Naram-Sin, Sargon's grandson was next in line for the throne. He was easily swayed by "Ki" into further conquest. He pushed his troops forward in one bloody contest after another. He was said to have had an army of 350,000 men, the largest of any up to that date. These battles continued on and off through the passing decades until they culminated with the defeat of the Lullubi.

When Naram-Sin died, his son took over the throne. However, he was never approached by the Goddess Ki. Over the next 100 years, the Empire entered a rapid state of decline. It's borders continued to weaken until the Akkadian's were defeated by the barbarians known as the "Gutians". There barbarians were lead by the Blood-Mother who watched the battle, relishing in the fall of the old empire, her power having been substantially increased over the passed generations. When the battle was over, the mysterious woman was nowhere to be found.

Roman Empire

During the reign of the Roman Empire, the Blood-Mother relished in luxury under the name "Livia Faustina". Her beauty was revered, and many sought her affections. Enjoying the attention and the finest comforts that Rome could offer, Livia greatly enjoyed her time within the Empire. The Roman Empire was set on conquest, leaving no need for her intervention. Instead, the Blood-Mother enjoyed her beauty and riches (easily provided through magic) while the Empire's conquests fed her power. There were few who knew of her magical nature, and they worshiped her as a goddess much to her delight.

Having money and beauty wasn't enough for her though. She needed power. To that end, she used her wealth to secretly take control of most of the merchant trade within Rome. Soon every major supplier to the Empire was secretly in her employ. This action gave her a great deal of power to manipulate events as she pleased. A useful tool when fighting boredom in the lap of luxury.

Of course, Livia still fell prey to the occasional fits of boredom. Throughout her time in Rome, she was secretly responsible for several deaths. She could sense the darkness inside a person, and she was a master at drawing that darkness out. She would take different forms, usually beautiful women and find her victims in the darkness of night. She would encourage their perversity, applaud their cruelty helping them to lose their humanity in a fog of primal rage and lust. Her victims were eventually driven or manipulated into madness and usually arrested for some grievous crime and executed.


Aside from being fawned over by potential suitors, the woman known as Livia Faustina remained somewhat low key for the duration of the Roman Empire. Behind the scenes, her power continued to increase during Rome's decline and subsequent fall to the Turks in 1453. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Livia had no intention of remaining under the rule of the Turks. She quietly vanished from the city.

The Renaissance

Image by Dark Spider2.jpg

After she left the Roman Empire, she traveled to Florence Italy, who at the time was in the midst of the Renaissance. Taking the name "Valeria De Laurentis", she eventually followed the same pattern and became a prominent member of the Merchants Guild. Although she did not hold a high rank within the Guild, her vast wealth placed her at the head of the Aristocracy. As she did in Rome, she spread her influence through Florence, until she secretly controlled most of the merchants within the city and beyond. This time however, she also spread to control most of the illegal activities within the city as well.

Under this identity, she traveled through most of Europe. She spent a majority of her time in England and France. Europe seemed entrenched in war constantly, but the nobility enjoyed lush pampering and luxury. It was the perfect place for Valeria.

Since Europe seemed to spend most of it's time at war already, Valeria had very little influence over historical events. As she traveled through Europe she discovered more about music, and used her time learning to play several instruments including the piano and violin. She discovered the beauty of art and saw first hand the works of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

It was perhaps in this time that the entity known as the Blood-Mother, found peace as much as something such as herself can. Society was structured and those lesser knew their place. She spent her time in wealth and luxury as she had become accustomed. She had young men and women at her feet, and beauty all around her. Valeria was content there for many years. However, times changed and the world around her began to shape itself into something she could no longer understand.

People spoke of freedom and equal treatment, as if those beneath her deserved to be treated as equals. In her eyes, despite her charade, nobody was her equal. At least an Aristocracy held to that belief in some way. This "new world" everyone spoke of sounded like a horrible place full of wretches and scum all of whom were supposed to be her equal. Disgusted by the very thought, Valeria left the first and only place she had ever actually called home.

Recent History


King Viper possesses super human reflexes. In combat, his opponents appear to be moving in slow motion, making it incredibly difficult to hit him. In fact, his reflexes are so advance, some could say it borders on "combat precognition", allowing him to even dodge bullets and other projectiles, although Lucas suggests it would be foolish to try doing so repeatedly. Of all his abilities, his reflexes are the most advanced.


King Viper also possesses super human strength, though his level of strength would still be far below that of many heroes and villains. He is strong enough to punch holes through brick walls with little effort. If he pushes himself he could lift a small to medium car, or possibly punch a hole through steel. Though his body seems to constantly be evolving, he will likely never reach the level of more powerful supes.


Viper has "enhanced" endurance and agility. His endurance and (reflexes aside) agility would be scaled more at an Olympic level. Far beyond that of the average human, but not quite crossing into "super" territory. He is capable of taking on around 20 normal humans in rapid succession, but then requires a brief rest to catch his breath. Pushing beyond that slows both his reflexes and his strength. His agility allows him to run faster and further, and jump higher than any human. However, one would be hard pressed to label him as "super", when "enhanced" seems more appropriate.

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Ironically, Vipers most dangerous ability isn't even a super power. His greatest asset is that he is a master of true unarmed combat. There are no "Martial Arts" here. His fighting style is a compilation of brutal, bone-crunching, street combat techniques that have been tried, tested, and improved over the course of a violent 50 year career. Vipers knowledge of combat isn't limited to punches and kicks. He has studied, in depth, the science of violence. How the human body responds to adrenaline, cortisol, and a cocktail of other chemicals that the brain pumps into you during a fight. How the increase of heart rate leads to the loss of "Fine" and "Compound" motor controls, and how to fight around it. He is a true student of violence, always learning, always evolving. As a human, this made him extremely dangerous. Given his new abilities, even he hasn't found his limits yet, but they are deadly.

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Viper can run faster and farther than humans. He can jump farther and higher than most humans. However, he still can't fly, and sometimes you need to get somewhere that you can neither run to, or jump to. So in those cases, he has his trusted Rocket Board. Certainly a less civilized way to fly, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. This method of travel isn't particularly fast, or efficient. However, it does get you from "A" to "B" while allowing you to avoid most danger, or reach difficult areas.


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Viper does have some regenerative abilities, and his reflexes make him extremely difficult to hit. However, *IF* he is hit, he feels it. His powers do not grant him any special resistances to damage, and so he remains vulnerable to all the same basic damage types that would kill a normal human. Blades still cut him, his bones still break, and bullets can still kill him. This is the reason Viper does not recommend attempting to Dodge bullets if it can be helped.


Viper appears to be vulnerable to temperature, specifically cold temperatures. Since his transformation, cold seems to feel colder to Lucas. He is vulnerable to cold temperatures, with extreme cold making him feel exhausted, and sleepy. While cold temperatures can be fatal to snakes due to their cold-blooded nature, it seems that Vipers human side prevents it from that extreme. However, slowing his mind, body and reflexes due to the cold, can be just as deadly.
